When Dog Food Is Cheaper Than Feeding A Family

  It was when Poppy, my stratospherically brilliant working cocker spaniel got yet another digestive upset, from scavenging (probably in my very active compost heap) as she is very wont to do, that I found myself going once again to Tesco, this morning, to buy some chicken and rice. For all you dog owners who…

Giant Beetroot

This is what happens if you leave a non- monogerm variety of beetroot in the ground all winter. This is Beetroot Chioggia. Fit only for animal fodder now, although they are delicious when young. And the potatoes are in! This year I am growing Epicure, Arran Victory, Belle de Fontenay, Charlotte, King Edward and Pink…

When an Alpha Male ruptures his quadriceps tendon

The third week in November 2017 was a shitty week. A really good friend shot herself after losing the will to live, having battled with years of terrible depression. Two days later , our wonderful friend and next- door neighbour Julie, who was my very first follower of this blog, died under anaesthetic whilst undergoing a…

Training the Working Cocker Spaniel, the next 6 months

Poppy has just had her first full day on the shooting field, and I am delighted with her attitude, calm disposition and prodigious ability. Actually, she was praised highly by all who saw her work, and procured instantly two invitations for me and herself to attend shoots in the near future. This pleased me enormously,…

Lymes Disease in the UK Right Now

An inelegant photo I know, but I should like to stress the importance of tick vigilance. More and more cases of this are being reported throughout the UK each year. Dogs are getting it, and I know of at least one horse within a few miles of here. All you Americans reading this will be…